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"cryptography is a mixture of mathematics and muddle" , Ian Cassels (Bletchley Park)

"Your job is being a professor and researcher: That's one hell of a good excuse for some of the brain-damages", lt2ast

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rüdiger Weis, Diplom-Mathematiker , <>

Curriculum vitae

I studied mathematics (Abschluss: Sehr Gut) with a minor in computer science (Abschluss: 1.0) at the University of Mannheim. Diplomarbeit: An algorithm for spline approximation via Gauss-Transformation. I did my Dr. rer. nat. thesis in Computer Science about cryptographic solutions for distributed multimedia systems. Since 2000 I am the Chief Cryptographer of the cryptolabs Amsterdam. From 2002 till 2005 I have worked in the reseach group of Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since october 2005 I am Professor for 'Systemprogrammierung' at the Technical University for Applied Sciences in Berlin. I am also a longtime member of the Chaos Computer Club and a founding member of the Digitale Gesellschaft e. V. .

Researchinterests Crypto

Selected Papers

Reviewed International Conferences

  1. IDMS '98 Oslo (LNCS 1483)
    W. Geyer and R. Weis, A Secure, Accountable, and Collaborative Whiteboard
    IDMS'98, Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services, Oslo, September 1998.
  2. CARDIS'98 Lovain (w.a. LNCS)
    Weis, R., Lucks,S. , The Performance of Modern Block Ciphers in Java, CARDIS'98, Lovain, 1998.
  3. Multimedia Computing & Networking'99, San Jose
    Lucks, S., Weis, R., Hilt, V., Fast Encryption for Set-Top Technologies, San Jose, Jan 1999.
    (With a finger of Martin Mauve!-)
  4. 1st USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology, Chicago
    S. Lucks and R. Weis: Remotely Keyed Encryption Using Non-Encrypting Smart Cards
    USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology
    May 10-11, 1999, Chicago, Illinois
    Conference stipend donated by USENIX
  5. ECMAST'99 Madrid (LNCS1629)
    Weis, R.and Lucks, S.: Fast Multimedia Encryption in JAVA Using Unbalanced Luby/Rackoff Ciphers
    4th European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques, Madrid, 26-28 MAY 1999.
  6. NLT'99 Bern
    30 - 31 August 1999 at University of Berne, Switzerland
    Weis, R. and Geyer, W.: Cryptographic Concepts for Online-Feedback
  7. IFIP TC-11, Working Groups 11.1 and 11.2, Amsterdam
    IFIP TC-11, Working Groups 11.1 and 11.2,
    7 th Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management & Small Systems Security, 30 September - 1 October, 1999
    Weis, R., A Protocol Improvement for High-Bandwidth Encryption Using Non-Encrypting Smart Cards
  8. SANE200 - 2nd International System Administration and Networking Conference, Maastricht
    Organized by NLUUG, co-sponsored by USENIX and Stichting NLnet

    May 22 - 25, 2000 MECC, Maastricht, The Netherlands

    Weis, R., Bakker, B., Lucks, S.,
    "How to Ring a Swan - Adding Tamper Resistant Authentication to Linux IPSec"

  9. SANE2000 - 2nd International System Administration and Networking Conference, Maastricht

    Weis, R., Geyer, W., Kuhmünch, C.
    "Architectures for Secure Multicast"
  10. IEEE-ICME2000, New York,
    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, July 30 - August 2, 2000


    Weis, R., Effelsberg, W., Lucks, S.,
    ''Remotely Keyed Encryption with Java Cards: A Secure and Efficient Method to Encrypt Multimedia Stream''
  11. IFIP Cardis2000, Bristol

    Lucks, S., Weis, R.,
    How to Make DES-Based Smartcards Fit for the 21-st Century
    Cryptographic Techniques for Advanced Security Requirements
  12. SMARTNET2000, Wien
    The Sixth IFIP Conference on Intelligence in Networks, 18.-22. September 2000
    Weis, R., Effelsberg, W., Lucks, S.,
    Combining Authentication and Lightweight Payment for Active Networks
  13. IDMS2000, Enschede
    7th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services,
    17. - 20. October 2000, CTIT / University of Twente in co-operation with ACM SIGCOMM and SIGMM

    Weis, R., Vogel,J., Effelsberg, W., Geyer, W., Lucks, S.,
    How to Make a Digital Whiteboard Secure - Using JAVA-Cards for Multimedia Application
  14. JAVA Card Workshop, Cannes
    INRIA Sophia Antipolis, JAVA CARD FORUM

    JAVA Card Workshop

    Weis, R., Bakker, B., Lucks, S.
    Security on your hand: secure file systems with a "non-cryptographic" Java-Ring

  15. Weis, R.., Lucks, S. All your key bit are belong to us, the true story of black box cryptography, SANE 2002, Maastricht, 2002.
  16. Lucks, S., Weis, R., How to turn a PIN into an Iron Beam - A patent-free and practical protocol for secure communication using a weak common secret, 18th IFIP International Information Security Conference, Athene, 2003.
  17. Weis, R., Modern Security Architectures, NLLUG Najaarconferentie Security, De Reehorst, 2003.
  18. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Bogk, A., TCG 1.2 - fair play with the 'Fritz' chip?, SANE 2004 -- 2nd International System Administration and Networking Conference, Amsterdam, 2004.
  19. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Cryptographic Hash Functions - Recent Results on Cryptanalyis and their Implications for Digital Signatures}, SANE 2006, Delft 2006.

International Journals

  1. Geyer, G., Weis, R.: The Design and the Security Concept of a Collaborative Whiteboard, Computer Communications 23 (2000), Elsevier, 2000.

Selected German Journals

  1. Weis, R., Skipjack, DuD 09/98
  2. Weis, R., Lucks, S., GSM, DuD 09/98, Vieweg
  3. Weis, R., Lucks, S., KEA, DuD 10/98, Vieweg
  4. Weis, R., Kuntze, R., GSM ALgorithmen entschlüsselt, Funkschau 11/98
  5. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Advanced Encryption Standard, DuD23/99, Vieweg
  6. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Sichere, Standardisierte, Symmetrische Verschlüsselung auf Basis von DES und AES, PiK.
  7. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Geyer, W., Stand der Faktorisierungsforschung, DuD03/00, Vieweg
  8. Zenner, E., Weis, R., Lucks, S., Sicherheit des GSM-Verschlüsselungsstandard A5 DuD07/00, Vieweg.
  9. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Die dritte AES Konferenz in New York DuD07/00, Vieweg.
  10. Lucks, S., Weis, R., Der DES-Nachfolger Rijndael, DuD12/00, Vieweg.
  11. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Wave-LAN Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, DuD 11/01, Vieweg, 2001.
  12. Lucks, S., Weis, R., Neue Erkenntnisse zur Sicherheit des Verschluesselungsstandard AES, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, DuD 11/02, Vieweg, 2002.
  13. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Bogk, A., Sicherheit von 1024 bit RSA-Schlüsseln gefährdet Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, DuD 06/03, Vieweg, 2003.
  14. Weis, R., Ist Trusted Computing wirklich vertrauenswürdig, Tagungsband ZEI, Koenig, Ch./Neumann, A./Katzschmann, T. (Hrsg.), Vertrauenswürdige Systemumgebungen, Heidelberg 2004.
  15. Weis, R., Trusted Computing: Chancen und Risiken, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, DuD 11/04, Vieweg, 2004.
  16. Weis, R., Lucks, S., Hash-Funktionen gebrochen, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, DuD 04/05, Vieweg, 2005.

Technical Reports

CEBIT2000, Halle 4, Stand A22

Presentation of a JAVA card supported video encryption scheme.

Some Invited Talks


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Rüdiger Weis <>
PGP keyID 1024/E12469C1, Key fingerprint = C8 B5 52 AC 05 EA C7 2A EB 31 E3 FB 65 DD 7A 76